Please refer to the different contacts below and select by clicking on the highlighted name to send an enquiry by email.
If you are unsure who you need to contact, please use the general email at the end of the list and your query will be directed to the right place. We would ask you please not to communicate any confidential documents to us by email.
In case of emergency
Please note that BCCS is not a statutory or emergency contact service and our answerphone is not manned between 5pm and 9am.
If you are a child and are in immediate danger, please call 999 or Childline on 0800 1111.
If you are an adult and have an urgent issue concerning a child, please call one of the following numbers:
Crime stoppers anonymous 0800555111 - if you wish to remain anonymous The Local Authority emergency service in your area
Call 999 if it is an immediate emergency NSPCC 0808 800 5000
School services and training
For enquiries regarding school referrals and training in schools, please contact:
Fundraising and Community
For information on fundraising and community initiatives, please contact:
Corporate and Trusts
For information regarding corporate partnerships and Trust and Fund applications, please contact:
Child and family counselling services
To refer yourself or a child to our care, please contact:
Supervision and staff therapy
For information on staff supervision and therapy, please contact:
For general enquiries other than those listed above, please contact: